
14 Ways To Eat Healthy For Cheap

One of the most difficult aspects about trying to eat healthy is that it can be so darn expensive! It becomes even more of a stressor when your healthy diet is one of the main ways to combat your chronic pain symptoms. The last thing you want to do is break the bank trying to … Read more

6 Of The Latest Findings From Food Research

We live in a world that is constantly evolving. New things are discovered every day that make each of us healthier and help provide a better life in the world of food research. Let’s dive into the fascinating and delicious new strides scientists have made about what (and how!) we eat. 1. Algae, quinoa, and … Read more

You Are What You Meat: Making Healthy Choices With Meat

Being a vegetarian (or switching to a mainly plant-based diet) has become a popular trend, but what if you aren’t always interested in nibbling on plants for dinner? Omnivores can still make better choices with the meat they eat, looking for specific animals that are ethically and sustainably raised. Making better choices in the type … Read more

10 Best Pain Healthy Recipes For The Holidays

The holidays are a hectic, yet fun time full of sweet culinary temptation. Between cookies and cakes, buttery main courses, and even special coffee drinks that sound amazing but are chock full of sugar, eating healthy can become a challenge. While indulging here and there is okay, it’s best to keep those treat times few … Read more

Busted! 4 Health Myths That Simply Aren’t True

Health myths abound, partially because it’s so difficult to keep up with all the constantly changing recommendations. The pendulum of expert opinion swings wildly, making it hard for the average person to make good decisions. Fortunately, science is coming to a point where some of the most perplexing health issues of our time—aspartame or sugar? … Read more

Indulge The Healthy Way (And Why Chocolate Is Good For You)

Indulging in the occasional unhealthy meal or enjoying a delicious dessert like chocolate is part of a healthy lifestyle. Yes, you read that right. As with any sort of indulging, moderation is key, but allowing yourself to eat treats is essential to sticking to a healthy diet long term. Avoiding sweet and salty foods entirely … Read more

Healthy Eating The Fast, Cheap, and Easy Way

Adopting healthy eating choices is probably one of the single most important things you can do to manage pain, no matter the condition you suffer from. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats like those found in nuts and olive oils contain powerful micronutrients that work to reduce pain-causing inflammation and help you … Read more

Recipe: Simple Slow Cooker Tomato Sauce

Looking for a simple and versatile recipe, with a lot of health benefits, too? This tomato sauce fits the bill, and best of all, is made in a slow cooker! No fuss, no muss. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is a powerful source of antioxidants and cancer-fighting agents. Studies have shown that consuming tomatoes … Read more

Recipe: Bean And Mushroom Soup With Arugula

Beans are high in dietary fiber that keeps us feeling fuller longer, prevents blood sugar from rising, and can help to lower certain forms of cholesterol. As the basis of a soup – especially combined with meaty mushrooms – they make for a satiating and healthful meal! This soup comes together in a matter of … Read more