migraine diet

6 Quick And Easy Migraine Diet Tips To Reduce Pain

A migraine can be an intense event that can ruin a whole day or even a week. It can be a chronic condition that you have to manage for most of your life, too. Throbbing pain in the head is the classic symptom of this disorder, but it is also known to be accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. So it is easy to assume that if you do get migraines, you want to make sure you minimize them as much as possible. A migraine diet can help.

Chronic Migraine In Pregnancy: What You Should Know

If you’ve ever had a migraine, you know how crippling the pain can be. This type of headache is usually described as a throbbing pain in the temples, as well as the front and base of the head. It can be very intense, which makes a migraine in pregnancy especially hard to cope with. While … Read more

3 Migraine Blogs That We Absolutely Love

Reading migraine blogs is a great way to learn, pick up tips and tricks, find new resources, and feel like part of a community. There’s a fairly big online community for migraine sufferers (who sometimes call themselves Migraineurs), with plenty of fantastic migraine blogs to choose from. Here are three of our favorite migraine blogs. The … Read more

Occipital Nerve Stimulation, And 5 More New Migraine Treatments

Everyone will experience a headache at some point in their life. For those who suffer from migraines, however, the pain can be debilitating. For the 36 million people in the U.S. who suffer from migraines, relief can be hard to come by. Traditional pain relievers typically offer no relief and more potent medications, like opioids, are … Read more

Can Stress Cause Headaches? Absolutely

Everybody experiences stress—it’s a natural physical reaction and can sometimes be beneficial—but long-term, chronic stress significantly impacts a person’s health and can lead to serious health consequences. Can stress cause headaches then? Absolutely. How can stress cause headaches?  Stress is a fight-or-flight reaction triggered by situations the mind considers threatening or beyond its control. Instinctually, … Read more

migraine symptoms

Migraine Symptoms May Be Linked To Childhood Trauma

More and more research is being conducted that analyzes the effects of childhood trauma on adult health. Childhood trauma is defined as a life event that threatens the safety of the child or their caregivers. It can either be acute or chronic in nature. Typical symptoms from a traumatic event include reduced ability to concentrate, trouble sleeping, withdrawal, anger, and some severe psychiatric conditions like PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Recent studies are also beginning to show that children take away other long-lasting mental effects from these situations as well, such as migraine symptoms that can develop in adulthood.

Migraines Heighten Risk Of These 5 Health Problems

Migraines, the debilitating headaches that affect as much as 15% of the general population, do more than cause excruciating pain—they’ve also been linked to a slew of other health issues. Migraine sufferers who experience auras, visual disturbances that sometimes signal an impending attack, are especially predisposed to these related conditions, according to Prevention magazine. Part … Read more

Understanding Body Pathways Is Key To Future Pain Treatments

“Pain is a disease,” says pediatrician and anesthesiologist Elliot Krane, who works at Stanford University’s Packard Children’s Hospital. Krane’s take is different from the prevailing mindset that pain is instead a symptom of another underlying condition. In fact, about 10% of patients with serious conditions, such as cancer, infections, or problems requiring operations, experience persistent … Read more

The Science of Herbal and Supplemental Medicine

By Ted Swing, Ph.D. Herbal medicines have thousands of years of history in cultures around the world. Other types of supplemental medicines make use of naturally occurring chemicals and extracts. Today, these treatments re main widely used for a variety of conditions, including conditions causing chronic pain. These treatments are regarded by the US Food … Read more