
How Does Methadone Work For Chronic Pain and Addiction?

Here are some common questions people have about methadone treatment. If you suffer from chronic pain and substance use disorder, these answers can help you decide if this might be a good option to explore with your doctor.

How To Find The Best Neuropathic Pain Treatments For You

When your peripheral or central nervous system is damaged, the resulting neuropathic pain can be one of the toughest types to treat. Whether you are in constant pain or experience intense symptoms that come and go, most neuropathic pain is not likely to resolve itself. It’s critical that you get the support you need to find the best neuropathic pain treatments to help you get your life back. 

Suboxone For Pain: Uses, Benefits, And FAQs

When it comes to chronic pain, relief can be hard to find. Many patients, frustrated by their unresponsive pain levels, turn to opioids as their only choice. But research is finding that the risks of opioids far outweigh the potential pain relief (and that long-term pain relief is actually minimal). If this sounds like you, keep reading. Long used in medication-assisted treatment of substance use disorders, Suboxone for pain is an option that can safely moderate pain levels with less chance of dependence or addiction.

Can Anxiety Cause Nerve Pain?

Neuropathic pain on its own is stressful enough. It can be difficult to diagnose and treat, and chronic pain conditions can lead to further mental health challenges. But can anxiety cause nerve pain? Here’s what we know, plus 14 treatment options for both.

Back Pain Treatments

Is my back pain serious? Back pain is the most common cause of disability in the U.S. The vast majority of cases resolve quickly and are not serious. Although generally affecting men and women between the ages of 20 and 40 equally, there are risk factors that increase your chances of back injury or pain, as well … Read more

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

What is complex regional pain syndrome? Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) causes tremendous and often debilitating pain. Known also as Sudeck’s atrophy, causalgia, reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RDS), shoulder-hand syndrome, post-traumatic dystrophy, and reflex neurovascular dystrophy, CRPS is a chronic pain and sensory condition that typically affects the upper and lower extremities (arms and legs). Nerve … Read more

Lower Back Pain Treatment and Management

What is lower back pain? Lower back pain is one of the most frequent musculoskeletal complaints. Pain may arise from damage or irritation to any of the structures of the lower back including the: Vertebrae Facet joints Discs between the vertebrae Vertebral ligaments Muscles of the lower back Spinal cord Peripheral nerves It can also … Read more

best pain tracker apps

17 Of The Best Pain Tracker Apps In 2022

If you are living with a chronic pain condition, you deserve a pain tracker that is easy to use with helpful features for your daily list. These are the best pain tracker apps in 2020 for better managing your condition and preventing pain flare-ups.

how do energy drinks affect you

Pain Patients: How Do Energy Drinks Affect You?

Energy drinks are a growing trend for those looking for an energy boost. Some use it as a morning pick-me-up. Others use it to push themselves at the gym a little harder. No matter the reason, energy drinks are being consumed more than ever, but does that mean that they are a pain friendly choice? And, when it comes to pain patients, how do energy drinks affect you and impact your pain condition?


How To Use Saunas To Manage Chronic Pain

Few things are more relaxing than soaking in a hot tub or sauna, or possibly hitting the steam room. For patients with fibromyalgia or other types of chronic pain who are looking to reduce discomfort, heat therapy can help diminish pain as well as reduce stress and promote feelings of wellbeing.