pain after hip replacement surgery

What To Expect With Pain After Hip Replacement Surgery

Living with hip pain can be frustrating and debilitating, especially when it has an effect on how you go about your daily routine. You may find it difficult to simply walk upstairs or get adequate sleep. Dealing with this type of discomfort can even put a strain on relationships with the people who care for you every day. Whether the cause of your pain is due to an injury or a medical condition, your doctor may recommend hip replacement surgery if all other options have been unsuccessful. Unfortunately, pain after hip replacement surgery can occur as well.

hip bursitis pain

What Is Hip Bursitis And How To Treat It

Hip bursitis is a painful, inflammatory condition of the largest weight-bearing joint in your body: the hip. Hip bursitis can have a dramatic impact on how you move about your day – literally. This is what you need to know about this condition.

What Causes Joint Pain, And Which Treatments Can Help Me?

Joint pain can range from a mild ache to severe, life-altering pain. And because your joints are so crucial to everyday activities, any level of joint pain can have a significant impact on your health, mood, and quality of life. Read on to learn more about common joint pain causes and what you can do … Read more

What Are The Major Causes Of Hip And Leg Pain?

Hip and leg pain is a broad category of conditions that can range from acute soreness due to a minor injury to long-term chronic pain that can be the result of a disease or disorder. Because of the varying causes of hip and leg pain, there are a number of possible treatments as well, all … Read more

How Can I Start Stretches For Hip Pain Safely?

As people age, the natural flexibility and fluidity of the youthful body begins to fade. However, if you make the effort to maintain that sense of flexibility, you can often reap the benefits of better joint health for years down the line. Taking as few as five minutes per day to do stretches for hip … Read more

5 Of The Most Common Hip Pain Causes

Hip pain is a common type of pain suffered by many people in the U.S. The location of the pain can offer clues as to its cause as well as keys to its treatment. Read on to learn more about the most common hip pain causes. What are the most common hip pain causes? The … Read more

16 Simple (And Fun!) Exercises For Sciatica Leg Pain

The best exercises for sciatica leg pain include stretches that can relieve tightness, yoga poses to reduce tension, and cardio activities like dancing and walking. Learn more about how you can start incorporating these exercises for sciatica leg pain into your daily routine to help you relieve your pain. Performing exercises for sciatica leg pain … Read more

Treating Chronic Leg Pain

Chronic leg pain–any type of leg pain condition that lasts for 3 months or more–is a serious condition facing many people. At Arizona Pain, we always endeavor to provide the most up-to-date information about any pain condition, while also incorporating holistic lifestyle approaches into treatment plans. If you suffer from chronic leg pain, you can … Read more

Ergonomics And Exercises For Hip Pain

Modern life revolves around sitting. Many people sit in the car on the way to work, all day in the office, while eating lunch, and then maybe while catching some quality time on the couch while relaxing before bed. All those hours spent sitting, year after year, can wreak havoc on the body and lead … Read more