chronic pain resolutions

15 Chronic Pain Resolutions To Consider In 2021

When the clock strikes midnight on January 1 every year, it’s time to reflect. To look back not only at the positive aspects of the year we are leaving behind, but also at areas for growth. Whether you are setting chronic pain resolutions or trying to make changes in other areas of your life, SMART goals can help you make that happen. Here are 15 chronic pain resolutions to consider in 2021.

How to Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions This Year

The end of the year is a natural time for reflection and resolution. Chances are good that at the end of every year you sit down and make a list of things you might like to change over the coming year. Maybe last year you vowed to get fit. Maybe you wanted to eat better, … Read more

How To Prepare For Thanksgiving If You Have Chronic Pain

The holidays bring with them visions of turkey-laden tables, sugar plum fairies, tables set with all kinds of pumpkin goodies, and chilly nights spent by the fire with a warm beverage. However, some doctors say that all the celebrating, along with the stress and disrupted routines, can worsen feelings of chronic pain. Social worker Patricia … Read more

Recognizing The Chronic Pain Issues Veterans Face For Veterans Day

November 11 is Veterans Day, a federally-designated day to recognize all U.S. veterans who have served in both foreign and domestic settings. Far from being just another holiday when banks are closed and mail isn’t delivered, Veterans Day is set aside to recognize and honor the service and sacrifice of the millions of men and … Read more

Managing Chronic Pain On Halloween And After

Halloween brings out the ghouls and goblins, but for those with chronic pain, the holiday brings about difficulties of a different kind. You may be wondering how you’re going to escort the kids around trick-or-treating. Maybe you’re dreading all the ups and downs required to answer the door. To make Halloween a little easier to … Read more

Wishing You A Merry And Bright Christmas From Arizona Pain!

Merry Christmas! We at Arizona Pain hope the holidays bring you good cheer and time to rest and enjoy delicious food and the company of family and friends. We’re so grateful for your support and patronage. Everything we do at Arizona Pain is done with the intention of helping you live a better life. We’re … Read more

Celebrating Hanukkah Whole-Heartedly, Even With Pain

Hanukkah, the Jewish holiday also known the Festival of Lights, began this year at sunset on December 12 and ends at sunset December 20. This holiday is an important part of the Jewish religious tradition, commemorating miracles that occurred during 200 BCE when the Jews successfully drove the Syrians out of Jerusalem. The eight-day celebration marks … Read more

The Best Gifts For Pain Sufferers (8 To Give And 8 To Get)

It’s the holiday season and that means gifts. Almost all of the winter holidays have a gift giving component that is sure to brighten the spirit of any recipient. But when you live with chronic pain the idea of shopping for gifts, wrapping packages, and celebrating the holidays can feel overwhelming. On the other hand, … Read more

10 Tips For Enjoying The Most Boo-Tacular Halloween With Pain

With ghosts and witches stalking the neighborhood streets and choruses of “Trick or Treat!” ringing the air tonight, it can be easy to forget about your chronic pain if even just for a short while. Focusing on happier things is important for dealing with pain, and along with some other tips, you can help take … Read more

You’re Going To Achieve Those Resolutions This Year — Here’s How

For many people, the weeks leading up to New Year’s Eve are awash with big dreams of losing weight, finally getting fit, reading a book a month, and learning how to cook—all during the next 52 weeks. We make long lists of resolutions about how perfect life will be, how perfect we will be. Then … Read more