How To Find Your Inspiration With Chronic Pain

Do the mountains take your breath away? When you see the rolling hills climb to majestic purple peaks do you feel your body vibrate? Maybe it’s the ocean. When you walk along the beach, looking past the blue and white waves for miles toward the horizon, do you feel a sense of calm? Could it … Read more

10 Best TED Health Talks

For inspiring speeches given by leading innovators, TED health talks never fail to deliver. TED is a nonprofit that seeks to spread ideas through short videos that last for 18 minutes or less. The initiative began as a live conference in 1984, before the Internet revolutionized information dissemination, and originally focused on technology, entertainment, and … Read more

8 Ways to Find Inspiration Despite Chronic Pain

Staying positive is oftentimes an uphill battle for chronic pain sufferers. Filling your life with inspiration wherever you can find it can ease the effort, though. Like any new activity, finding inspiration at first takes a little effort. But soon, you’ll know just where to go for an uplifting boost. Once you start looking, you’ll … Read more