What Causes An Opioid Overdose?

Opioids are a hot topic right now as the Centers for Disease Control recently released new guidelines for healthcare providers to follow before and during any opioid therapy treatment. This is especially important because these suggested guidelines lay down specific steps for providers to follow. Many of these focus on treating chronic pain in general. … Read more

Rising Opioid Prescription Rates May Be Ushering In Heroin Epidemic, Researchers Say

Increasing opioid prescription rates have escalated the number of people abusing the drug. And while the majority people taking the pills don’t abuse them, the epidemic and its implications are shaping the national drug abuse conversation. Frighteningly, some measures intended to curb the disturbing trend have only turned the most vulnerable opioid abusers onto heroin. … Read more

4 New Studies On Prescription Painkillers

Prescription painkillers are one of the most commonly used methods to treat chronic pain. Research has shown that the most commonly prescribed pills, opioids, are risky and sometimes fatal. At Arizona Pain, we believe in reducing your pain while improving your quality of life, and we’re often able to do that without opioids. A range … Read more