Book Review: Daring Greatly By Brene Brown

Texas professor Brene Brown has spent more than a decade researching vulnerability, shame, courage, and worthiness. While most people spend their lives doing whatever they can to protect themselves from vulnerability and hide from feelings of shame, Brown’s book Daring Greatly posits that a well-lived life requires embracing these feelings, using them to foster connection … Read more

CAKE Movie, Starring Jennifer Aniston, Portrays Chronic Pain

The subject of chronic pain is so pervasive that it’s finally making its way into popular culture. The latest movie cataloguing life with pain is Cake, starring Jennifer Aniston. The movie hits theaters Jan. 23, 2015. In Cake, Jennifer Aniston plays a Los Angeles woman with chronic pain named Claire Simmons, whose acerbic wit lends … Read more

WILD Review: Grieving Woman Finds Peace On Solo Trek

The nearly two-hour screen adaptation of Cheryl Strayed’s best-selling memoir Wild could have been a bore. The book catalogues Strayed’s intensely internal trajectory as she evolves from a pained, drug-addled woman struggling during the aftermath of her mother’s death to someone fierce enough to walk with sandals duck-taped to her feet during a 1,100-mile solo … Read more