how do energy drinks affect you

Pain Patients: How Do Energy Drinks Affect You?

Energy drinks are a growing trend for those looking for an energy boost. Some use it as a morning pick-me-up. Others use it to push themselves at the gym a little harder. No matter the reason, energy drinks are being consumed more than ever, but does that mean that they are a pain friendly choice? And, when it comes to pain patients, how do energy drinks affect you and impact your pain condition?

migraine diet

6 Quick And Easy Migraine Diet Tips To Reduce Pain

A migraine can be an intense event that can ruin a whole day or even a week. It can be a chronic condition that you have to manage for most of your life, too. Throbbing pain in the head is the classic symptom of this disorder, but it is also known to be accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound. So it is easy to assume that if you do get migraines, you want to make sure you minimize them as much as possible. A migraine diet can help.

How Much Should I Exercise? Tips For Cardio And Strength Training

Experts flood the health and wellness field, each offering sometimes contradictory advice for appropriate amounts of physical activity. Wondering “how much should I exercise?” Fortunately, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has analyzed the data and issued guidelines that people can follow to stay fit. Here’s what you should know. How much should I exercise?  … Read more

Start Exercising: It Could Change Your Life

Could exercise change your life? In one simple, precise, and perfectly accurate answer: yes. Here’s why and how you can start exercising in 2019. Why is it so important to start exercising? We’ve heard the statistics. Two-thirds of people in the U.S. are considered overweight. We also know our lifestyles have greatly changed in the … Read more

This Is How To Break Bad Habits, For Good

We all have our regular tendencies and practices, but the difference between a routine and a habit is that routines are relatively easy to adjust and change, while habits can be especially difficult to give up. That is the bad news. The good news is that you can change your habits. Doing so can help … Read more

How To Manage Pain During Travel: By Air Or During Road Trips

No matter how you’re traveling, it’s likely that you’ll run into some issues. Here’s our best tips for how to manage pain during travel, whether you’re going by plane or car. Managing common travel issues for pain patients  The best way to manage pain during travel is to prepare for it beforehand. We have more … Read more

Your Environment Affects Your Eating Habits: This Is How To Improve It

Traditional advice to have a better diet is repeated so often that most of us can recite it in our sleep: eat less, move more, eat more fruits and veggies, cut back on sugar, etc. This is solid advice and can result in better health, but there may be one factor that undercuts all of … Read more

Top 10 Food Choices You Can Make For Chronic Pain Management

With the flood of fad diets and weight loss programs bombarding you from every side, it’s difficult to figure out what you should and shouldn’t eat. It becomes even more complicated when you’ve got one or more medical conditions, such as chronic pain. Before you know it, figuring out mealtimes can become downright stressful. Eating … Read more

The Adventure To A Healthier You This March

This month as been all about how to manage your health and diet with different tips, tricks, and tools. There are literally hundreds of different ways to redefine your diet and help fight off that nasty chronic pain. From simple diet changes to smart phone applications, here is some great research and insight on how … Read more

Tackle Your Food Cravings With Gamified Apps

Controlling those hunger pangs can be one of the most challenging things during a busy day. Being in high stress mode and having little time can make your cravings get out of control and make you reach for the nearest candy bar and a comfy couch. So, how do you train your brain to stop … Read more