bikram yoga

What’s the Difference Between Bikram and Hot Yoga?

So you’ve seen the signs around town or read articles on the internet about the benefits of hot yoga. Stretching in a heated room enhances flexibility and aids detoxification, studios promise. Then you see some funny yoga called Bikram while others just call themselves hot. What’s the difference?

The Benefits Of Yoga For Women

Yoga is great for so many people, but there are benefits for two groups of women in particular: expectant mothers and breast cancer survivors. Here’s why. Benefits of yoga for expectant mothers Pregnant women looking to manage stress and reduce anxiety about childbirth might consider trying yoga. This ancient practice has gained much attention for … Read more

Find Your Center: Meditation And Support Groups In Arizona

If you suffer from a chronic condition of any kind, finding some peace of mind and support is crucial. In Arizona, we’ve got some of the best places to find support groups and your center. Meditation centers in Arizona If you’re ever wanted to learn how to meditate, but weren’t sure how, a meditation center … Read more

How To Incorporate Easy Yoga For Arthritis Into Your Routine

If you suffer from the pain of arthritis, you know how important it is to find holistic options for relieving pain and stiffness. Thankfully, yoga for arthritis is a gentle option that incorporates joint-freeing poses with mindfulness meditation. Here’s how to get started with easy yoga for arthritis, including a full at-home sequence. What is … Read more

5 Easy Ways To Start Yoga In The New Year

If starting a yoga practice has languished on your list of goals because you’re not sure how to start, this New Year marks an excellent time to clear the fear. The number of ways to practice online is exploding, making this ancient system of wellness more accessible than ever. Depending on your needs and the … Read more

8 Life-Changing Crowdfunded Health Projects From 2015

Crowdfunding has emerged as a popular way for passion-based projects to find funding from future customers, especially those for health projects. Founders who would rather avoid the difficult search for investors post their fledgling businesses on these platforms. Contributors are offered special perks, like advance products, signature swag, or face time with the founders as an … Read more

3 Mindful Practices To Dissolve Stress And Promote Happiness

There’s a bright spot of news amid frightening statistics that illustrate the harsh environment stress creates in the body, and that’s all the people who are embracing mindful practices like meditation, yoga, and tai chi to relax and melt tension. Research suggests that while stress is unhealthy, a big part of managing that tension is … Read more

Yoga Classes Support A Safe, Fulfilling Practice

The benefits of yoga are vast. Students can expect to gain flexibility, strength, and improved balance from continued practice, while those with chronic pain may find the practice improves quality of life. Although many people aren’t sure how to start practicing, the best way is to attend a live class with a registered yoga teacher … Read more

How To Reduce The Risk Of Yoga Injuries

Yoga can be an incredibly nurturing and healing practice, but overdoing it or moving through postures with improper alignment can cause severe injury. That’s why it’s important to take precautions when practicing. People with chronic pain should pay extra close attention to the signals their bodies send. While yoga may provide relief from pain and … Read more

Is Yoga Enough Exercise By Itself?

Yoga practitioners and medical professionals alike tout the many benefits of yoga, ranging from strength and flexibility to an increased ability to stay calm during chaos. But not every yoga session results in sweating or an increased heart rate, leading some to question its merit as a workout. Is yoga alone enough exercise? The answer … Read more