how to fix nerd neck

How To Fix Nerd Neck: 11 Approaches

These days, many of us are spending a lot more time looking forward. While planning ahead and considering the future is a positive thing, when it comes to your neck, too much of a forward focus can be a bad thing. A forward head posture is more common as we hunch over our phones, laptops, and steering wheels with increasing frequency. The resulting “nerd neck” can bring with it pain and tension up and down the spine. How to fix nerd neck and still meet the demands of daily life? Here are some of the best approaches to easing the pain of a forward head posture.

running with knee arthritis

Can I Continue Running With Knee Arthritis? And Other FAQs

Running with arthritis in the knee has long been a controversial subject. Traditionally, some people believed that running was so stressful on the knees that it could actually lead to arthritis in the first place. Fortunately, this idea has little to no merit; runners are generally no more susceptible to knee arthritis than anyone else.

Fibromyalgia Spoon Theory Explains How Patients Ration Energy

For healthy people, navigating the day doesn’t take much planning other than determining the order of things. Lunch first or grocery shopping, they might wonder. Either way, it doesn’t matter and both will get done on most days. And if choosing is required, it’s usually not for lack of energy. But for the five million … Read more

undiagnosed pain patients

What Undiagnosed Pain Patients Can Do To Find Answers

If you’re still traveling from doctor to doctor, hoping for a diagnosis, take heart: you’re not alone. Unfortunately, too many undiagnosed pain patients go years without figuring out what’s causing their condition or symptoms. If you’re one of these patients, there are things you can do to improve your chances.

diabetic leg pain 1

How To Relieve Your Diabetic Leg Pain: 9 Tips

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you already understand the challenges that lie ahead. One of the most frustrating and painful challenges is diabetic leg pain. Here are nine tips for preventing and managing the pain of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

trigeminal neuralgia

Why Trigeminal Neuralgia Is Considered The “Suicide Disease”

Of all of the pain conditions that chronic pain patients experience, there are arguably none worse than the pain of trigeminal neuralgia. Often called the “suicide disease” because of the intense pain, higher rates of suicidal ideation in patients with severe migraines, and links to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders, trigeminal neuralgia is pain that spreads over the face and down the neck, triggered by even the slightest breath of wind across the face.

frozen shoulder symptoms

5 Frozen Shoulder Symptoms: Early And More Advanced Signs

Reaching for a plate from the cupboard is something you probably don’t think twice about. As healthy and active adults, these everyday tasks are seemingly effortless. Unfortunately, for patients with intense shoulder pain, even basic movement can feel impossible. Frozen shoulder syndrome is one of the many conditions responsible for nagging aches, pains, and tightness in this ball-and-socket joint. If you’re suffering from an unknown cause of shoulder pain and tightness, here’s what you need to know about frozen shoulder symptoms.

how does a tens unit work

How Does A TENS Unit Work And Could It Help Me?

If you or someone you love suffers from chronic pain, it’s crucial to know everything you can about your treatment options. A TENS, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, unit is a non-invasive treatment option that may offer relief. If you have ever asked yourself, “How does a TENS unit work?” here’s what you need to know.

knee pain after biking

What Causes Knee Pain After Biking And How To Treat It

After a long bike ride, it’s common to feel a good type of sore. It’s what most bikers love about the sport. But, what happens if the soreness seems to linger on? How do you know if the aches are something more serious? Sharp knee pain after biking is usually a bad sign, as well as pain that doesn’t go away over time. With that in mind, it’s best to pay attention to these symptoms as they could indicate a bigger problem.

chiropractor for knee pain

How Can A Chiropractor For Knee Pain Help Me?

Knee pain affects one-third of people in the U.S. every year. It’s the second most common cause of chronic pain! Unfortunately, it makes sense. This weight-bearing joint is crucial to helping us move about our daily lives. Whether you are looking to explore long-distance hiking or just run a few errands pain-free, here’s how seeing a chiropractor for knee pain can help.