
Hammer Toe

What is hammer toe? Hammer toe is a physical deformity that affects the middle joint of the toe. Muscles and ligaments of each toe working together control all movement in your foot. When these toes are forced into an unnatural alignment, the resulting pressure on the toe tendons and joints can result in a bent, … Read more

sugar and chronic pain

Sugar And Chronic Pain: What You Need To Know

Sugar is one of the most common food additives that adds no nutrient, but lots of calories. On top of that, eating too much sugar can also lead to and increase weight gain and many conditions like diabetes and heart disease. The American Heart Association suggests that adult women should only consume 25g and men 37.5g of sugar at most per day. That is a scary number if you consider that the average U.S. adult averages close to 90g of sugar a day! For those who are considering sugar and chronic pain, that number may be even lower because sugar can lead to more inflammation in the body. Let’s find out how sugar operates in the body and why it is so important to give up sugar as much as possible.

Medication Management

What are the tenets of pain medicine management? Though it is universal, pain is so complex and subjective that it is difficult to treat. When a patient comes to our clinic with a chronic pain condition, we have several pharmacologic options available. Before we select medication for pain control, though, we first diagnose the type … Read more


What is biofeedback? Biofeedback uses visual and auditory cues to help a person gain better control over many bodily indicators of stress and pain. By using feedback from machines that identify and measure your body’s stress response, you can learn techniques to help control that response. This non-invasive approach utilizes self-control to help you effectively … Read more

Alternative & Complementary Therapies

An introduction to alternative medicine for pain management The use of alternative medicine (also called complementary or integrative medicine) has increased over the past decade. Unlike western medical treatments that focus mostly on treating one specific physical issue, alternative medicine often takes a more holistic approach. For example, your doctor might prescribe supplements or alternative … Read more

Rotator Cuff Tears

What is a rotator cuff tear? Understanding the anatomy of the shoulder is helpful to see how a rotator cuff can get injured. The shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint that allows your arm to move around in circles, instead of just forward or backward. At the back of the shoulder, the rotator cuff is … Read more

calf pain at night

What Causes Calf Pain At Night And How To Relieve It

ortant a good night’s sleep is. More than just a break from the challenges of the day, sleep helps the body heal and better deal with life’s daily stresses. If you experience calf pain at night, a full measure of shut-eye may prove elusive. Here are some common causes of calf pain at night, along with suggestions to prevent and relieve it.

compression fracture symptoms

13 Vertebral Compression Fracture Symptoms To Watch For

When 80% of people in the U.S. suffer from a sore back at some point in their lives, it can be easy to dismiss that pain as just a minor nuisance. If you can still move around and it’s not that bad, it must not be serious, right? In some cases, aches and pains are the result of age or maybe a vigorous weekend of physical activity. In the case of compression fracture symptoms, though, they might start mild and get worse if left untreated. Here’s how to know the difference.

frozen shoulder syndrome

9 Common Frozen Shoulder Causes and How to Treat It

Has putting on clothes or reaching for something on a shelf become more difficult? Do you find yourself keeping your shoulder as still as possible to avoid the pain? If so, you may have frozen shoulder syndrome, a difficult and long-lasting but very treatable condition. Read on to learn more about frozen shoulder causes and what you can do to both reduce pain and increase range of motion.

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

What is diabetic peripheral neuropathy? Neuropathy refers to nerve damage that can cause a variety of symptoms, including pain and numbness. There are four main types of diabetic-related neuropathy, including: Peripheral neuropathy Autonomic neuropathy Radiculoplexus neuropathy Mononeuropathy Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is a type of nerve pain that involves the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The PNS … Read more