Recipe: Eggnog Peppermint Tea-ni

This cocktail combines two seasonal favorites, eggnog and peppermint tea! The eggnog here is dairy-free (use a brand derived from coconut or soy milk), but you could also use a traditional blend, which would make the drink thicker. If you prefer something sweeter, swapping vanilla vodka in for the plain vodka is another option.

Peppermint tea works as a relaxant, so this is the perfect drink to serve as a nightcap. Offer one to your guests after dinner, or sip on one solo while indulging in a little holiday cheer!

Eggnog Peppermint Tea-ni

INGREDIENTS (Serves 1, makes approximately 2 cups)

  • 2-ounces non-dairy eggnog
  • 1-ounce peppermint tea
  • 1-ounce vodka
  • Ice
  • Optional garnish: fresh mint leaves or crushed candy canes


  1. Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker. Shake vigorously and strain into a martini glass. Garnish with fresh mint, or crushed candy canes, if desired.

What are your favorite non-traditional martini recipes?